New Patient?
Thank you for choosing Family Allergy Toronto. Below you will find information that may be helpful to new patients preparing for their initial visit with our allergist.
Patients can only be seen with a referral from another physician. This can easily be done by asking your doctor for a referral. They will send it to us and we’ll call you to book an appointment.
Before Testing
Medications to Stop
Patients scheduled for allergy testing must discontinue certain medications before their visit. If you are unclear about specific medications, please consult your pharmacist or contact our office. Below are examples of medications to avoid; click for viewing the full list.

Please bring a complete list of ALL current medications you take on a regular or “as-needed ” basis.
The Test
Allergy Testing
What is Allergy Skin Testing?
Skin testing is the most reliable form of allergy testing. Because mast cells are located in high numbers just under the skin, results of skin testing have proven to be more accurate than blood testing in diagnosing allergies.
The Allergy Testing Procedure
Skin Testing Procedure
A series of tiny scratches are made on your back.
Staff uses a small instrument similar to a plastic toothpick.
Each scratch contains trace amounts of a single allergen, such as mold, pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.
Test Execution
When results are positive, a small reaction on the skin occurs within 20 minutes.
The reaction is typically a small bump, similar to a mosquito bite, which may cause itchiness.
A bump or reaction indicates an allergy to the specific trigger.
Additional Testing
Some patients may also receive intradermal testing.
In intradermal testing, a small amount of the allergen is injected under the skin of the arm to observe if it causes a reaction.

Prepare Your Child
How to Prepare your Child for Allergy Testing?

Allergy Diagnosis in Children

Our allergists use a combination of an allergy skin test and patient medical history to diagnose allergies in children.
Allergy Skin Testing

Skin testing involves tiny scratches on the back using a plastic toothpick containing allergens like pollen, pet dander, and molds. Reactions appear in 15-20 minutes as small, itchy bumps.
Intradermal Testing

If needed, intradermal testing involves injecting allergens under the skin of the forearm to see if a reaction occurs, providing more detailed results.
Blood Testing

A blood test, used if a patient is on antihistamines, involves a blood draw sent to a lab to check IgE levels, though it's less accurate than skin tests.
Suspected Food Allergies

For suspected food allergies, bring a food journal. Doctors may use skin or blood tests, or an in-office food challenge to determine allergies, despite possible false positives.
Tips to Prepare Your Child for Allergy Testing
Stop Antihistamines
Your child must stop antihistamines, other allergy medications, and over-the-counter cold medicines 3-5 days before the test to avoid interfering with the results.
Bring a Distraction
Bring a comfort toy, book, or electronic tablet to distract your child during the long appointment, as the test may cause itchiness.
Talking to Your Child
Reassure your child that the test is not painful and is necessary to identify allergens and improve their well-being.
The Results
You will leave the appointment knowing your child's allergens, and the allergist will develop a personalized action plan, possibly including avoidance strategies, medication, or allergy shots.
Your Health Is Our Priority
Get in touch with us for any health concerns or questions.
We're here to help, every step of the way.